Thank you for your email and we are sorry to hear of the problems that you have been experiencing.
There is currently a known issue when placing the order through Firefox.
Could you please attempt the order again using either Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google chrome? Using these browsers you should experience no problems and once the order has been placed you will receive a conformation email.
If you are continuing to experience difficulties then could I please ask that you confirm when you attempted the purchase along with the amount and the first line of your address so that we can look in to this further.
Please also be advise that when making payment your address must match the billing address your bank has on record for you.
We do not accept payment from a business bank account.
Soweit so gut. Da habe ich es mit Internet Explorer versucht, es ging leider wieder nicht, woraufhin ich dem cardservice meine Adresse und den Zahlbetrag mitgeteilt habe. Darauf war die Antwort
Thank you for your email and enquiry.
To protect the security of our customers and in order to comply with anti-money laundering regulations we are required to verify the identity and address of all cardholders before processing a card order. This is carried out using a number of electronic checks.
As you have failed these online checks I am afraid you will be unable to purchase the Ryanair Cash Passport card.
I am afraid that we are unable to discuss or disclose the reasons behind why your online purchase failed.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.
Damit ist das Repertoir an Antworten sicherlich ausgeschöpft, dem kann man ja nichts mehr entgegnen

Hat es denn bei jemandem geklappt? Danke & ciao